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                    技術(shù)文章/ Technical Articles

                    您的位置:首頁  /  技術(shù)文章  /  SF6氣體回收裝置能對SF6電器開關(guān)抽真空并充入SF6氣體及氣體回收


                    更新時(shí)間:2021-09-28      瀏覽次數(shù):638
                      功能 Function
                      1、 該設(shè)備能對SF6電器開關(guān)抽真空并測定真空度。
                      vacuum pumping the sf6 switch and testing the limited vacuum.
                      2、 能對SF6電器開關(guān)充入SF6氣體。
                      Back-filling the SF6 gas into the switch.
                      3、 能對SF6電器開關(guān)的氣體進(jìn)行回收。
                      Reclamation of the SF6 gas from the switch.
                      4、 能對回收的SF6氣體凈化處理。
                      Purification  and drying treatment of the reclaimed SF6 GAS.
                      5、 存儲SF6氣體。
                      Storage of the SF6 gas in pressure tank.
                      主要元件 Main part
                      1、 真空泵 vacuum pump
                      Model: LEYBOL          R5—0040     40M³/H
                      2、 壓縮機(jī) compressor
                      Model: COPELAND        CA—0300     15M³/H
                      3、凈化系統(tǒng) filter-driers
                      Model: CKD濾芯、F-03吸附劑  配有活化加熱系統(tǒng)。
                      It is used to filter and dry the gas. There is a F-03 absorption activating and heating system.
                      4、冷卻系統(tǒng) cooling system
                      熱交換器,制冷系統(tǒng),風(fēng)冷機(jī)組   可使SF6液化存儲。
                      Heat-exchanger, refrigerating compressor, air cooling unit
                      5、存儲罐 pressure tank(不含)
                      100Liter    safety valve     pressure 2.5Mpa
                      6、 閥門 valve
                      球閥 ball-valve
                      7、控制系統(tǒng) control system
                      Using the control system, you can operate the device and monitor all the instruments。
                      8、連接管道 rubber hose




                    Copyright © 2024 江蘇久益電力設(shè)備有限公司版權(quán)所有   備案號:蘇ICP備2020069524號-24   技術(shù)支持:智慧城市網(wǎng)   總訪問量:185837



                    蘇公網(wǎng)安備 32100302011196


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